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LEAD Rahmani 30

LEAD Trust was inspired by the success of the Rahmani foundation from Bihar, which has been helping downtrodden students from all over India to get admissions into IITs and other premier institutes. Rahmani’s initiatives have succeeded in identification and support of poor bright students. Rahmani-30 was set up a year ago by Maulana Wali Rahmani of Rahmani Foundation under the auspice of Shri Abhayanand, ADGP. In its 1st year of operation itself, Rahmani-30 attained 100% results and all 10 students have secured seats through IIT-JEE. See http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8550548.stm. As its first initiative in 2010, LEAD intends to focus on the IIT-JEE exam in Karnataka, Kerala and other South Indian states.

Profiles of all LEAD Rahmani Batch 2012 students

Click here for the profiles of all students who have joined the LEAD Rahmani 30 program for IIT-JEE 2012.

LEAD Trust selects students for IIT-JEE 2012 Program

Alhamdulillah, LEAD Trust has selected the following students for its IIT-JEE 2012 Training Program (in alphabetical order):

  1. Ansej Habin, Calicut, Kerala
  2. Ashwaque Edassery Malayil, Bangalore, Karnataka
  3. Basil Zaman K. V, Wayanad
  4. Sanid Kamarulla Saeed, Calicut, Kerala
  5. Ghazi Sabeehuddin, Adilabad, AP
  6. Ghiyas-ul-Ameen, Chintamani, Karnataka
  7. Mohammed Afnaz, Calicut, Kerala
  8. Mohammed Hisham, Calicut, Kerala
  9. Mohammed Nizam P.N, Thrissur, Kerala
  10. Moideen Basith K.B, Kasargod, Kerala
  11. Saqib Khan Ghori, Chickmagalur, Karnataka

Congratulations to all of them. Their photos can be found here

Media Coverage

Rahmani-30 has also been in several news reports:
Russian Television

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UPSC/ KPSC Selection 2010

LEAD Trust embarked on another important project for the benefit of the community. The Department of Minorities, Government of Karnataka planned to conduct a Civil Services Coaching for minority candidates through its newly introduced scheme – Pre-Examination training for Minority Candidates for UPSC/KPSC Examinations for 2010-11. Towards this purpose, bright graduate candidates from throughout the state needed to be identified and assessed. This is a new scheme taken up by the Department of Minority Welfare where selected candidates can enroll in UPSC/KPSC coaching institute of their choice, and the entire coaching fee will be borne by the State Government. LEAD Trust made a proposal to assist the Department of Minorities, Government of Karnataka to conduct the screening test for the Civil Services Coaching initiative by the Government.

LEAD Trust conducts selection test for UPSC coaching

By Gods grace, LEAD Trust conducted a state-wide entrance examination on Sunday, 22nd August 2010 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on behalf of the State Minority Welfare Department to select deserving minority candidates of all castes/religions to undergo State-sponsored UPSC/KPSC coaching. The examinations were conducted at 11 centers across Karnataka. Of the 439 students who registered, 319 wrote the exam.

The trust prepared the test information brochure containing details of the scheme and the test and put this up on the website of the directorate.

Co-ordinators were appointed by LEAD trust in all 11 centres to be responsible for publicity regarding the test, get posters pasted and pamphlets distributed, conduct general advertising, arranging for test centre, assist in conducting test, make payment to test centre/ invigilators, send the answer sheets and application forms back by post/courier, etc. They had responsibility to ensure that the test gets conducted in a fair manner.

Posters/ Pamphlets were prepared by the LEAD trust regarding the screening test and put up by co-ordinators regarding the screening test at important locations such as colleges, community centres and other places to inform the minorities of the examination. More than 2500 In addition, the department will issue advertisements in various newspapers and electronic media.

Three test papers designed by IAS toppers and institutes were prepared and a final question paper made combining the three. This was submitted to department for approval. Once approved, LEAD trustensured that sufficient number of test papers and answer sheets were printed and made available with the test centres before the examination.

LEAD trust was responsible for collection of answer sheets and evaluation. LEAD got the corrections done through appropriately qualified academicians and invigilators. Students obtaining above a fixed percentile in the objective type were evaluated in the essay section. Data entry of the details of the candidates taking the test was done and shortlists were submitted to department for approval and calling for interview. LEAD Trust contacted all candidates and informed them about the interview schedule. All candidates called for interview had to provide originals of relevant documents for verification by the trust.

On Sep 18th 2010, LEAD trust facilitated interviews of the candidates screened from the UPSC/KPSC selection exam to be interviewed by the directorate of Minorities. The final list of selected candidates by the department was compiled by LEAD trust and submitted to department.

By Gods grace, the entire project was done to the utmost satisfaction of the Karnataka State Department of Minorities Welfare. Utmost care was taken throughout the project to ensure complete transparency – no candidate was given any kind of unfair consideration because of his/her gender/race/religion/location, etc. We also took all the necessary precautions to ensure the examinations/interviews were conducted in the most fair, professional and honest manner. There was absolutely no room for any cheating.

UPSC/ KPSC Selection 2011

For the second year in succession, LEAD Trust continued working on the important project for the benefit of the community. The Directorate of Minorities, Government of Karnataka continued its scheme – Pre-Examination training for Minority Candidates for UPSC/KPSC Examinations for 2011-12. Towards this purpose, bright graduate candidates from throughout the state needed to be identified and assessed. As per the scheme, candidates can enroll in UPSC/KPSC coaching institute of their choice, and the entire coaching fee will be borne by the State Government. LEAD Trust was engaged by the Directorate of Minorities, Government of Karnataka to conduct the screening process.

By Gods grace, LEAD Trust conducted a state-wide entrance examination on Sunday, 14th August 2011 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The examinations were conducted at 13 cities across Karnataka. Of the 540 students who registered, 452 wrote the exam.

The trust prepared the test information brochure containing details of the scheme and the test and put this up on the website of the directorate.

Co-ordinators were appointed by LEAD trust in all 13 cities to be responsible for publicity regarding the test, get posters pasted and pamphlets distributed, conduct general advertising, arranging for test centre, assist in conducting test, make payment to test centre/ invigilators, send the answer sheets and application forms back by post/courier, etc. They had responsibility to ensure that the test gets conducted in a fair manner.

Posters/ Pamphlets were prepared by the LEAD trust regarding the screening test and put up by co-ordinators regarding the screening test at important locations such as colleges, community centres and other places to inform the minorities of the examination. More than 2500 sms and e-mails were sent to prospective candidates. In addition, the department issued advertisements in various newspapers and electronic media.

The test paper was designed by IAS institutes and this was submitted to department for approval. Once approved, LEAD trust ensured that sufficient number of test papers and answer sheets were printed and made available with the test centres before the examination.

LEAD trust was responsible for collection of answer sheets and evaluation. LEAD got the corrections done through appropriately qualified academicians and invigilators. Students obtaining above a fixed percentile in the objective type were evaluated in the essay section. Data entry of the details of the candidates taking the test was done and shortlists were submitted to department for approval and calling for interview. LEAD Trust contacted all candidates and informed them about the interview schedule. All candidates called for interview had to provide originals of relevant documents for verification.

On Sep 20th 2011, LEAD trust facilitated interviews of the candidates screened from the UPSC/KPSC selection exam to be interviewed by the directorate of Minorities. The final list of selected candidates by the department was compiled by LEAD trust and submitted to department. A total of 25 candidates were selected for UPSC coaching 2011-12 and 52 students have been selected for KPSC coaching. More details are available on the website  www.gokdom.com. By Gods grace, the entire project was done to the utmost satisfaction of the Karnataka State Directorate Minorities.

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